I have started my research into my epq and what else I wanted to do, I have found some websites which I am going to take some ideas from such as Cath Kidston http://www.cathkidston.com/?lng=&ctry=GB . I really like the patterns and colours that she uses as I feel that they work really well together. I would like to take some ideas from this website with the modern day patch work pillow as I feel Cath Kidston matches patterns really well.
I have also been researching a lady called Nancy Nicolson http://www.nancynicholson.co.uk/sewkits.html , this lady creates embordary starter kits for people who would like to start embrodary who might not know how to go about it. With this research I would like to start thinking about making some of these packs for my epq. I was looking at making easy to follow kits as well as making pillows which will be proto types. All of these kits will include everything that you need to make the pillow of that era with fabric, threads, patterns and step by step instructions on what to do. This will go well with linking ot the artists of that time, as many people wanted to replicate and change there houses to look like the up and coming fashion and interiors of that time.